How Does Your Hygiene Production Compare?

Dental Hygiene by The Knutzen-McVay

How Does Your Hygiene Production Compare?

As most of us in the industry know, dental hygiene is a key driver of practice production. Unfortunately, many practices still are not maximizing the potential of their hygiene department. Do you know what your net hygiene production is per hour? You may have an idea of these numbers, but knowing this will help you identify missed opportunities for your patients and also for your practice.

Most experts agree that the total hygiene production should be between 25% to 35% of total practice production to be profitable. Remember that every practice is different and while hygiene is often the bread and butter in every practice, there are many ways to increase this important piece to your practice.

We all know that Periodontal disease is on the rise. Statistics show that HALF of american adults suffer from gum disease. Where does your practice compare to this? Other examples on how to increase your hygiene production besides perio therapy are increased new patients and additional hours. Offering additional products for purchase such as dental water jets, power toothbrushes, and whitening kits for sale is an excellent strategy. Most patients will purchase from their trusted dental provider rather than seek out to explore other avenues. You want to stay up on the latest trends! Has anyone heard of Cocofloss? I have a client selling floss for $10-15 per roll to patients. Talk about the cherry on top!

Dental Hygiene is one of the greatest opportunities and is changing in many offices. We are seeing a number of practices with their hygiene percentages showing around 35-50%. Our client average statewide is 33%, 40% when doctor exams are added. Where do you rate?

Call us today to have an overview of your numbers so we can help you maximize this years numbers moving forward.

Julie Hawken
Associate Broker for Spokane/Montana/Idaho Region